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1977 - 1978. Prehistory.
</div><div style="margin-top: 10px; font-family: economica; padding: 20px; color: 778877; text-transform: uppercase; border-top: 1px dotted #778877; font-size: 14px;">
<B>Предыстория. События начинают развиваться с июня 1977 года.</B>
<br>Все каноничные события (до 1977 года) полностью сохраняются.
<br><br><a href="" target="blank">ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ В КАНОНЕ.</a>
</div><div style="padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 5px; height: 200px; overflow: auto; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; line-height: 80%; width: 400px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: 222222;"><p>
Сентябрь, 1977 год. Волшебный мир охватила череда страшных убийств. Один за другим погибают маглы и маглорожденные волшебники, сраженные запретными заклинаниями. И ответственность за все эти преступления берут на себя Пожиратели смерти, уже не прячущиеся, а открыто выступающие против Министерства. Тайная когда-то организация, под руководством Волан-де-Морта, с каждым днем набирает силы, все новые и новые волшебники, заразившись идеей чистой крови, примыкают к числу Пожирателей Смерти. По Лондону ползут слухи, что надвигаются страшные, темные времена, но Министерство Магии, как обычно, смотрит на все случившееся через пелену собственных домыслов, не решаясь приступить к активным действиям. Единственный, кто решается противостоять набирающему силы Волан-де-Морту - это Альбус Персиваль Дамблдор. Директор школы магии и волшебства создает организацию под названием Орден Феникса, чьи цели - защита магов и маглов от Пожирателей смерти и борьба с Волан-де-Мортом.
И так, пустив корни своего влияния по всему Лондону, Пожиратели Смерти решают проникнуть и в цитадель истоков магии - Хогвартс, где надеются набрать новых сподвижников из числа юных студентов. Волан-де-Морт всегда был одержим идеей всевластия и чистоты крови. Пару десятков лет назад, когда никто из живущих не помышлял, что могут наступить темные времена, когда не было никакого Темного лорда, жил простой, амбициозный и действительно гениальный юный волшебник Том Реддл.
Близился к завершению 7-ой курс обучения в Хогвартсе, когда внимание юного волшебника Тома Реддла, в чьей голове уже роились мысли о своей уникальности и чистоте крови, привлекли четыре артефакта, по легенде, зародившие магию, обладающие небывалой силой и пылившиеся многие годы на полке в кабинете директора. 
Обладая неимоверным упорством, хитростью и изворотливостью, юноша достает эти реликвии, обходя все заклинания, которыми они были защищены, и ... и убеждается что это всего лишь бутафория, не обладающая ни граммом магии. Сотни лет магический мир просто дурили, обманывая тем, что в руках волшебников есть сильнейшие в мире артефакты. 
О, какой сильной была злость Реддла, когда он мало того, что не получил заветных артефактов, да еще и был снят с должности старосты! Но именно она усиливает в молодом человеке желание найти эти реликвии. Проведя ни одну ночь за книгами, Реддл пытается докопаться до правды. Он находит сотни легенд, повествующих о том, как четыре Бога создали артефакты, сила которых не знала границ, нашел летописи, сказания о том, как тысячи магов и простых смертных бились в загадках и поисках Священных Реликвий. Так, в течении многих лет Темный Лорд старался добраться до призрачных Даров Богов. И однажды это ему удалось.
Как оказалось, было мало только спрятать Артефакты от людского глаза, нужно было их еще и защитить. Почти в каждом столетии рождались упорные и целеустремленные личности, которые переворачивали землю, не останавливались ни перед чем, чтобы добыть себе Священные реликвии - и находили их. Но, ослепленные силой и властью, творили они много бед на земле. Продолжаться так долго не могло, поэтому каждый из четырех Богов послал на землю по два Хранителя, чьей целью была защита Артефактов.
На одного из таких Хранителей и напал Темный Лорд при попытке завладеть одной из реликвий. В любой другой ситуации посланник Бога одержал бы победу, но то ли Волан-де-Морт был удачен, то ли Боги решили поразвлечься - это так и покрыто тайной - но Хранителю пришлось отступить, и так, впервые за сотни лет в руках человека оказался один из Артефактов Четырех Стихий - перстень Огня.



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<div class="aoahead">Site Plot<br /> 
<div class ="aoasubhead">Ages of Arda: Overarching Storylines</div></div>
<div class="answer">Since the dawning of time, Melkor has been the darkest force imaginable through all the lands known. His is the greatest power to challenge the Valar and all that is bright and good within the world, a power that has long extended its force across Aman and Arda and that even now, continues to twist and weave in the Void.<p>

The Ages of Arda examines the times of of the world as seen by those who suffer beneath the mechanization of Melkor throughout the Ages. From the First Age through to the end of the Third Age and Sauron's War with the One Ring, there is no corner of time in which Melkor's darkness does not take root and fester.<p>

Every Age sees Melkor differently and in multiple manners. Perhaps the most prevalent of these manners, beyond Melkor himself, is through the actions of the Moringothonna, the Disciples of Morgoth who walk through every age and affect the turns of the tide....<p>

Here on AoA, the fates of the Early Ages are sealed - though how they come to their end, and what fate awaits the end of the War of the Ring, only time will truly be able to tell. The question is, in what Age do you dwell?</div>

<div class ="aoasubhead">First Age</div>
<div class="answer">Elves and Men have awakened and the Dwarves are newly born into the world. The First Age is a dawning time that for all the beauty to be found beneath the newborn Sun and Moon is fraught with shadow. Melkor's power is at its strongest and most prevalent in this age, undeniable and manipulative.<p>

The Silmarils, now containing all the remaining light of the Two Trees that the Sun and Moon replaced, sit high upon his brow for a time, until Elves twist and wars are waged. Five major battles were fought in Beleriand, each of which may be covered, with particular emphasis in later days on the War of Wrath.<p>

Yet until such a point is reached, the whole of the First Age is open to exploration, by canons and originals alike. The acts of Melkor and his minions are not all these tales have to share with us, after all.</div>

<div class ="aoasubhead">Middle Ages</div>
<div class="answer">The Middle Ages span the entire course of the Second Age and all the years leading up to the Hobbit. As such, the sheer amount of time to play with is utterly majestic in its own right - characters long deceased can be active here (And in the First Age, of course) but what makes the Middle Ages unique is the fact that Melkor's influence is directly driven by the Moringothonna - the leader of the Disciples happening to be Sauron himself.<p>

The Middle Ages is where the power of the Moringothonna is at its strongest and most influential. It is here where many events may become cataclysmic, where others may go forgotten, and where new ones are most likely to arrive. The fates sealed in the War of the Last Alliance have a chance to alter here, bringing forth the true AU elements of the Hobbit and the War of the Ring. Though to what end, none can yet tell....<p>

<div class ="aoasubhead">The Hobbit</div>
<div class="answer">Due to the vast differences between the two and the media attention upon the latter creation, AoA follows The Hobbit as according to the films set out by Peter Jackson. This does mean that there are alterations to the Second Age, but there is plenty enough taking place in the Middle Ages that we at AoA feel this will work out just fine. So what does this mean for our players?<p>

Those who take up the canons of the Company can explore the travels and roads taken (and unseen or unknown) in any manner that they please. As we are film-canon, roleplays should take place in the timelines of AUJ and DOS until such a time as the third installment is unleashed. <p>

The tale of the Hobbit marks the rising return of Sauron. For those following the canon storyline and those involved in the overarching tale of AoA, this is a time in which peace becomes strained and the world must soon prepare itself for the onset of yet another War of the Ages.<p></div>

<div class ="aoasubhead">War of the Ring</div>
<div class="answer">Like The Hobbit, the War of the Ring shall follow the timeline set forth by the films, with a few alterations. For information on those, please make sure you check the <a href="">AoA Exclusives.</a> <p>

Like the Hobbit, those who participate in the War of the Ring can be canon or original, following the tale of the fellowship and interacting with the world as it was in this time. <p>

The War of the Ring marks the full return of Sauron and will frequently involve arching tale elements both for those participating in the canon elements and for those making their own adventures in the familiar setting of the Lord of the Rings.</div>
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<div style="background:-webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.8), #779A82); width: 350px; padding: 30px;">
<div style="background-color: #fff; width: 280px; padding: 20px; text-align: justify; line-height: 120%; font-family: trebuchet ms; font-size: 10px; box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);">
<center><div style="font-family: sintony; font-size: 14px; text-transform: uppercase; border-bottom: solid 1px #779A82; line-height: 200%; width: 140px;">SYNOPSIS</div></center><br />
since september 2013, the doors of eojung academy have been opened to the public. while seemingly normal at the surface, their students and faculty members are harbouring a huge secret. they've each been called or summoned into this place, persuaded by the members of the school administrating team because they possess extraordinary talents; skills that could be considered inhuman. the students themselves were not informed of the reason behind their summoning and the teachers have been specifically told not to tell. while some choose to flaunt their powers, most keep them hidden underneath the surface, in fear of being known as monsters. at this time, they are unaware of the true dangers that lie within; <i>real monsters exist.</i>
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<div class="title">faq</div><div class="subtitle">lms' frequently asked questions</div><br />

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<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">where exactly in connecticut is avalon?</div>
<div class="answer">avalon is located on the coast of connecticut, right along the southern border of the southwestern most county in connecticut, fairfield county. <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>see here</a> for a visual idea.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">what is the closest airport?</div>
<div class="answer">technically, the closest airport to avalon is tweed new haven regional airport. however, as its name suggests, this airport is considerably small and only services domestic, short-range flights. the nearest major airport, where most traffic for anyone traveling to or from avalon would find themselves, is jfk international in new york city. laguardia in nyc is also close by, but not quite as major.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">are there any colleges nearby?</div>
<div class="answer">yes! monroe university right here in avalon is the main (though fictional) one. in terms of real ones: yale university is in new haven, connecticut, and is just over a half an hour away when driving in optimal traffic. the university of connecticut, known popularly as uconn, also has campuses scattered around the state. last and arguably least, don't forget that avalon itself has its very own community college. it's a two year institution and is ideal for an avalon native who only wants to get a two year degree or get their generals done before transferring to a four year college.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">what major cities are nearby and how far away are they?</div>
<div class="answer">conecticut's biggest city is bridgeport, which is a mere fifteen minutes or less from avalon. new haven and hartford are also fairly large in terms of connecticut cities and are about thirty minutes and sixty minutes away, respectively. and, of course, the big apple (aka new york city) isn't too far away in the grand scheme of things. in optimal traffic it is about an hour's drive, but when is there ever optimal traffic? expect about at least an hour and a half, possibly two hours, for a drive to the big city.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">what are the demographics (race, religion, socioeconomics, etc.) like in avalon?</div>
<div class="answer">avalon is like any other small town in the united states in the respect that it is a melting pot of race, religion, and socioeconomics. the population comes in at 19, 273 people according to the 2010 u.s. census. the racial makeup of the city is as follows: 85% white,  9% african american, 4% hispanic or latino, 1.5% native american, and 0.5% asian. the median income for a family is $83,548, while the median income for an individual is $42, 910. when it comes to politics, avalon is slightly democratic (47% democratic, 43% republican). the majority of the population is christian, catholic and protestant making up the majority of that percentage.

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">what is the weather/climate like in avalon?</div>
<div class="answer">avalon is primarily in a humid continental climate. the winters are very cold but only moderately snowy and the summers are both very warm and very humid.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">how does time flow in avalon/on the site?</div>
<div class="answer">time flows normally, in a manner of speaking. obviously if you started a thread in june, 2013 and it's still going, it's safe to say that <i>in that thread</i> it is still june. we all know the concept of liquid time, and it applies here on lms. you can have a thread that takes place in june as well as start one that takes place right here and now. in a month, the here and now will be different but the timing/setting of your thread will not.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">what is the best way to reach a staff member?</div>
<div class="answer">pm, really. if you have a quick question and you see of of us is online, you can flag us down in the cbox or try to catch us on aim (which we all have). if none of us are on or if you have a more serious or in-depth question, the best thing to do is to pm the mayor.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">how long does it usually take for an app to be reviewed?</div>
<div class="answer">it really depends. we all review apps however, like all humans, we have fluctuating availability and schedules. while we'd like to guarantee no more than a day, we can't. sometimes we hold off on accepting or reviewing an application because it's filling a request and we need to get the approval of the person who made the request. other times there may be something wrong or something in the app that we need to consult about before going ahead with a decision, so that can add some time. don't forget that we are only human and life can get the better of us more often than not. sometimes we get to apps within fifteen minutes of their completion, sometimes it's taken up to several days. it just always depends, so please be patient and don't lose interest!</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">what are the roles of each of the staff members?</div>
<div class="answer">everything! we're a mish-mash bunch, some who love claims and apps, some who love advertising and skinning. it works because of that! there are seven of us altogether: alli, ellie, kate, katie, kel, kia and maggie. as stated you can pm any one of us for general information but pm'ing the mayor is always better. the site skin is made by kate exclusively for lms so please don't steal.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">who runs the mayor's account?</div>
<div class="answer">all of us! we all try to log into it once a day, each, at least. sometimes replies have a staff member's name attached to them, but more often than not they simply say "lms staff" or "lms admins." when you pm the mayor's account, keep in mind you're essentially pming all of us as all of us will see it.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">what exactly is considered plotting in the cbox?</div>
<div class="answer">there has been a lot of confusion about what exactly cbox plotting includes ever since the rule was created. even amongst staff we all seem to have slightly differing definitions. it's okay to mention your character(s) in an off-hand manner, to tell someone you're replying to them, that you will, or just did. it's okay to throw their names around in ooc conversations. the plotting we do not allow is when a conversation becomes solely about a character or a group of characters and those who cannot participate in the conversation are left feeling alienated. devising a plot for your character(s) is off-limits, discussing current plots at length is off-limits, kate's hoor mother is <s>not</s> off-limits, etc. for further clarification of this question, don't be afraid to just ask. if you feel like you're going over the line, you probably are.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">my character went inactive in the last ac - why and how do i get it back?</div>
<div class="answer">as with most sites we require a monthly activity check to ensure that people are not leaving or hogging faces for characters they don't use. as of march 2013, each activity check requires a proper thread (not communication) for each character you wish to keep and the latest post in said thread must be less than two weeks old (so if the closing date of the ac is the 7th, then your post must come from the 24th or later of the month previous). of course there are exceptions, such as if you have a full or hiatus absence, but we don't count partial absences any longer. our reasoning? well you missed the ac, that sucks, but your absence isn't full and therefore you had a chance to check in or post. that said, you will have (at least) four days after you're moved to inactive to return your character to normal. we ask that if you are made inactive then you do not fight us, do not fret, and merely do the following steps to get your character back:<br /><ul>1. pm the mayor's account with a link to a formerly active thread (one that was active and would've been acceptable to use for the ac).<br />
2. once an admin has seen it, you will be moved to the claims group. claims must be completed as if you were a new member, including the "finished claiming" claim. when you have posted in "finished claiming," pm the mayor with ANY links you want moved back to the active forum, including which forum you would like them moved back to.<br />
3. an admin will unarchive your threads and move you into your appropriate member group.</li></ul><br />if you have any specific questions regarding your character and making the ac we encourage you to pm the mayor during the activity check week.</div><p>

<div style="font-family: calibri; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #555; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999; padding-left: 8px; line-height: 96%;">where did the idea for <i>lms</i> come from?</div>
<div class="answer">
the idea for lms came from the fact that the staff team wanted a place to go to roleplay that was stress free. too often roleplaying becomes about things other than writing, so the site was created to focus specifically on character development and interactions through characters via threading. essentially, we wanted a safe haven for people to create characters that could really be fleshed out. <p>

as for the concept of avalon, this small town was based off (in part) ex-staffer rachel's hometown. the exception being the founding families story. that was actually inspired by a variety of sources including <i>the great gatsby</i>, weeds, <i>pride & prejudice</i>, and desperate housewives to name just a few.

<br /><center><div style="width: 240px; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;"></div><br />
<div class="words">
<b>have a question?</b> pm the mayor and if we think it's vital, we'll add it here<p>

</div></div></div></center>  </div>
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<!--HTML--><div class="message"><div align="center"><div style="margin-top:25px;width:530px;background-color:#262626;border-radius:20px;"><br /><div style="margin-top:-38px;text-align:center;color:#232323;font-size:40px;text-shadow:-2px -2px 2px #191818;font-weight:bolder;font-family:impact;word-spacing:25;"><i>WAR IS BREWING</i> PLOT</div><br /><div style="margin-top:-19px;padding-left:25;border:black 6px solid;width:475px;height:148px;"><img src="" style="max-width:100%;" /></div><br /><div style="text-align:left;width:500px;font-size:12px;text-indent:40px;color:gray;font-weight:500;"><font size="3">S</font>ince the dawn of time, two factions have battled over the humanity of mankind. One seeking to destroy it, one seeking to save it. Never waning, but never fully succeeding either. Earthbound angels and demons have continued the temptation of men's souls, going to great lengths to win over the chosen species. Creators of chaos, devastation, and negativity have employed endless means to keep angels busy, never accused of lacking creativity.  When they are not warring over individuals, angel armies clash with demon legions in an attempt to kill off their brother species.<br /><br />Blending with humans, to make men damned from the moment they drew their first breath, hybrid demonic offspring carried a selection of abilities from their supernatural parentage.  These came to be known as witches and warlocks; they were meant to lead their kin astray by sheer numbers and the coveted ability to kill at will. That the hybrids' had freedom of choice and were not born inherently evil lessened the mass of crossbreeding significantly, but bloodlines still exist and the occasional offspring is born anew.<br /><br />As soon as men could draw their <i>last</i> breath, vampires walked among them. They have withstood the test of time longer than any other creature. At the hand of Belial, a noteworthy demon in his time, corpses were reanimated to harass their living counterparts. Staying undead by sucking them of their life source, vampires spread their affliction and only humans daring enough to slay them kept the growing numbers in check. <br /><br />Creatures of the darkness came and went, weaving their names into folklore long after they met with extinction, but no recent creature has made itself so well known in it's short lifespan than the werewolf. A creature created of love and desperation; a good deed that has not escaped punishment. As much victims of their curse as anyone else, werewolves were the most vulnerable of all creations—bringing upon themselves much fear and hatred, while lacking the ability to protect themselves for most of the time. <br /><br />As the barely thriving species struggled through the Renaissance, occasionally manipulated by the parties responsible for them, but otherwise ignored, werewolves and vampires came to form a symbiotic relationship that kept them off the radar for the last two hundred years. Using their strengths to protect each other, and their weaknesses to supplement their needs, vampire and werewolf numbers were allowed to grow. But the balance has shifted and the two species have come to be at odds. Two conflicting groups have formed, the Vargen and the Revenants, in the struggle for power or freedom.<br /><br />Not all of mankind has ignored supernatural existence. Hunters, slayers, and a myriad of other exterminators chased them where they could, but still they thrived to live among man in secret until their numbers were too many. Governments around the world were forced to accept the truth and the creatures became one of many closely guarded secrets. As the countries could not be strewn with mass exterminations, if it was even possible without starting civil wars, the United States devised the Reservations to be built through private organizations, "rehabilitating" the likes of wayward vampires, rounding up werewolves for controlled transformation, containing dangerous ghosts, and training the individuals required to find them. But retaliation to oppression is coming. Angels have grown weary of the lack of progress and forces will join that have never considered doing so before. <br /><br /><div align="center"><i>Begging to question:</i> <b>can nurture overcome nature?</b></div></div><br /><div style="margin-top:-13px;margin-left:160px;width:180px;height:2px;background-color:black;"></div> <br /><br /></div></div></div>



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        <div class='postcolor'> <div class="aoabody"><center>
<div class="aoahead">Site Plot<br /> 
<div class ="aoasubhead">Ages of Arda: Overarching Storylines</div></div>
<div class="answer">Since the dawning of time, Melkor has been the darkest force imaginable through all the lands known. His is the greatest power to challenge the Valar and all that is bright and good within the world, a power that has long extended its force across Aman and Arda and that even now, continues to twist and weave in the Void.<p>

The Ages of Arda examines the times of of the world as seen by those who suffer beneath the mechanization of Melkor throughout the Ages. From the First Age through to the end of the Third Age and Sauron's War with the One Ring, there is no corner of time in which Melkor's darkness does not take root and fester.<p>

Every Age sees Melkor differently and in multiple manners. Perhaps the most prevalent of these manners, beyond Melkor himself, is through the actions of the Moringothonna, the Disciples of Morgoth who walk through every age and affect the turns of the tide....<p>

Here on AoA, the fates of the Early Ages are sealed - though how they come to their end, and what fate awaits the end of the War of the Ring, only time will truly be able to tell. The question is, in what Age do you dwell?</div>

<div class ="aoasubhead">First Age</div>
<div class="answer">Elves and Men have awakened and the Dwarves are newly born into the world. The First Age is a dawning time that for all the beauty to be found beneath the newborn Sun and Moon is fraught with shadow. Melkor's power is at its strongest and most prevalent in this age, undeniable and manipulative.<p>

The Silmarils, now containing all the remaining light of the Two Trees that the Sun and Moon replaced, sit high upon his brow for a time, until Elves twist and wars are waged. Five major battles were fought in Beleriand, each of which may be covered, with particular emphasis in later days on the War of Wrath.<p>

Yet until such a point is reached, the whole of the First Age is open to exploration, by canons and originals alike. The acts of Melkor and his minions are not all these tales have to share with us, after all.</div>

<div class ="aoasubhead">Middle Ages</div>
<div class="answer">The Middle Ages span the entire course of the Second Age and all the years leading up to the Hobbit. As such, the sheer amount of time to play with is utterly majestic in its own right - characters long deceased can be active here (And in the First Age, of course) but what makes the Middle Ages unique is the fact that Melkor's influence is directly driven by the Moringothonna - the leader of the Disciples happening to be Sauron himself.<p>

The Middle Ages is where the power of the Moringothonna is at its strongest and most influential. It is here where many events may become cataclysmic, where others may go forgotten, and where new ones are most likely to arrive. The fates sealed in the War of the Last Alliance have a chance to alter here, bringing forth the true AU elements of the Hobbit and the War of the Ring. Though to what end, none can yet tell....<p>

<div class ="aoasubhead">The Hobbit</div>
<div class="answer">Due to the vast differences between the two and the media attention upon the latter creation, AoA follows The Hobbit as according to the films set out by Peter Jackson. This does mean that there are alterations to the Second Age, but there is plenty enough taking place in the Middle Ages that we at AoA feel this will work out just fine. So what does this mean for our players?<p>

Those who take up the canons of the Company can explore the travels and roads taken (and unseen or unknown) in any manner that they please. As we are film-canon, roleplays should take place in the timelines of AUJ and DOS until such a time as the third installment is unleashed. <p>

The tale of the Hobbit marks the rising return of Sauron. For those following the canon storyline and those involved in the overarching tale of AoA, this is a time in which peace becomes strained and the world must soon prepare itself for the onset of yet another War of the Ages.<p></div>

<div class ="aoasubhead">War of the Ring</div>
<div class="answer">Like The Hobbit, the War of the Ring shall follow the timeline set forth by the films, with a few alterations. For information on those, please make sure you check the <a href="">AoA Exclusives.</a> <p>

Like the Hobbit, those who participate in the War of the Ring can be canon or original, following the tale of the fellowship and interacting with the world as it was in this time. <p>

The War of the Ring marks the full return of Sauron and will frequently involve arching tale elements both for those participating in the canon elements and for those making their own adventures in the familiar setting of the Lord of the Rings.</div>
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